Changes done to the article about the Viking brækr. Non-significant changes, like fixing spelling errors, mending broken links or clearing up confusing language is not mentioned in this list.
Added a chapter on the Mammen find. Furthermore, I did a slight rewrite of the chapter on ökulbrækr to take into account the evidence from Mammen. Removed broken links and replaced some of my photos of the Thorsberg find with new photos taken by me in 2022.
Minor corrections in the text. Added link to high resolution photographs of the Skjoldehamn find by Løvlid.
Removed all interpretation of hose finds, as they have been given their own article, added a table of contents, and rewrote the text on Birka 905, and the introductions to the Haithabu and Skjoldehamn material.
Added information about the interpretation of the hose finds, and rewrote the paragraphs regarding grave 905 in light of the information from Inga Hägg's report of the Birka finds.
Significant rewrite of the entire article in order to do a more rigorous separation of the find data and the interpretations, and make it clearer just how uncertain the interpretations of the different brækr (trousers/breeches) are. Added information about hose and stocking finds and my interpretation of the Skjoldehamn brók.
First version published on the web.